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ePlatform Support
Students & Library Members
Students & Library Members
General help for students and library members
How to change my year level/grade?
Please consult your librarian/teacher in order to update your year level under your profile.
How can I borrow or return Audiobooks or eBooks?
Borrow an eBook or Audiobook Every title you see displayed is in your eLibrary, most titles shoul...
Loan expired - can I extend my Loan Period?
Yes, you are able to extend your loan period by tapping on the 'Renew' button as shown on the scr...
Getting Started
Browsing eBook Catalogue
Looking for a new book to read or to listen to? Tapping on the "Browse" icon at the bottom of you...
eLibrary Basics
This is a quick intro into the basics of your eLibrary. Access You can access you eLibrary via De...
Downloading Mobile Apps
Apps The quickest and easiest way to borrow and read eBooks is through the ePlatform app. Libra...