Finding your library
Once you have installed the ePlatform App onto your device, the first step is to find your library.
You will be prompted to "Find Your Library" or if you look in the Home screen menus you will see you can add a library from there as well.
As we have many libraries sometimes you need to try a few variations of the library name to find it. A quick way is just to use the most unique word in the library name.
Can’t find your library?
You should have the ePlatform App either because it was advertised by your library or because your school has access to the Wheeler’s eLibrary system. If you have downloaded the app looking for an eBook, you need to check whether your local or school library has the system. If they don’t please request that.
Looking for a book in your library
To find a book in your eLibrary there are many options.
You can:
- browse eBooks and Audiobooks by clicking on the "Browse"-icon at the bottom of your screen,
- look for a specific book via the search field
- use the "advanced search" function to look for books via title, ISBN, author or publisher
If your book does not show up, you can request the book at your library.
Borrow an eBook or Audiobook
Every title you see displayed is in your eLibrary, most titles should be available for you to borrow, however some will be 'greyed' out and thus have already been borrowed by someone else.
To borrow an eBook or Audiobook, just click on the book you want to loan in your eLibrary and click "Borrow".
If the book is not available at the moment, it will give you the option to "Reserve" the title. It will be added to "My Loans" and accessible for you to read as soon as it is available again.
Return an eBook or Audiobook
If you want to return an eBook or Audiobook before it is due, simply go to "My Loans" and click "Return".
If your loan-period is expired, the book will be returned to the library, so you don’t have to worry about books being overdue.
You can read and listen to an eBook or Audiobook for two weeks before it is to be returned to the library.
To cancel a reservation, a "Cancel Reserve"-button is displayed next to the book cover in your shelf.