Spreadsheet upload is the most efficient way to create your students /library members account on ePlatform portal.
The minimum information required from a patron includes a Student / Patron ID (or equivalent) and a password. More patron information can be included e.g. Date of Birth, which allows you to restrict borrowing by age. You should be able to restrict titles by year level upon providing your student's year level to us.
When a student logs in, the ePlatform sends an enquiry to check the username/password is valid, and if it is, lending is enabled. Many Schools export Student IDs/passwords from their school database for the Patron upload (encrypted).
You may download the file below to provide us the students/ library members information.
Please submit a request (icon below) with the spreadsheet for a faster and seamless user account creation.
Note: The information of the students/ library members that you are providing to us are encrypted through our secured server.
Note: Now you can upload your spreadsheet via our newest Patron upload tool.
Please logon as an administrator > click on 'Patrons & Students' > navigate to 'Import/Update Patrons tool'.